Barbara McCullough

Barbara McCullough is a director, production manager, and visual effects artist whose directorial works are associated with the Los Angeles School of Black independent filmmaking. McCullough is currently Chair of the Visual Effects Department at Savannah College of Art and Design.


Shopping Bag Spirits and Freeway Fetishes: Reflections on Ritual Space

Not currently available to stream
Barbara McCullough converses with members of L.A.’s vibrant Black arts communities to explore the role of ritual in Black life and art.

Water Ritual #1: An Urban Rite of Purification

Not currently available to stream

Made in collaboration with performer Yolanda Vidato, Water Ritual #1 examines Black women’s ongoing struggle for spiritual and psychological space through improvisational, symbolic acts.  Shot in 16mm black-and-white, the film was made in an area in Watts that had been cleared to make way for the I-105 freeway but was ultimately abandoned.